As you are aware the Government has announced a second Covid related lockdown until 1st December with many businesses having to close. However, the property market for both sales and lettings remains open.
Clarkes Estates WILL BE OPEN during the lockdown period to look after you and your property with a full range of services including viewings, valuations, mortgages and sales progression through to exchanges of contracts.
We already have a clear policy in place to work safely within the published Government guidance and we will be keeping these procedures up-to-date as new guidance emerges. Rest assured we will be doing our upmost to make sure our team and our clients are safe.
If you have a transaction in progress, we will be here to support you every step of the way and see it through to completion. There is clearly going to be some disruption to ‘business as usual’ and the need to do things differently, but we will do our very best to help in every way possible and help you to make a safe and successful move.
Since the last lockdown we have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure we were prepared for any further restrictions and whilst the team will as far as possible be based in our office, we also have a fully equipped home working system in place. You can continue to reach the sales and lettings team on our usual telephone number 01243 861344 to discuss your property related matters or any concerns you may have surrounding your move.
If you are planning a move and would like a valuation of your own home, our expert valuers will be pleased to assist you. If necessary, we can even do this without the need to visit you in the first instance.
Wash hands, cover face, make space and stay safe
Best regards,
Paul Clarke